Winter Cup Rules
Point system
Teams will be awarded points in pool play as follows:
Three (3) points for each win
One (1) point for tie awarded to each team
Zero (0) points for each loss
Forfeit is scored as 0-1 loss, three (3) points awarded to opponent
In the event of a tie, between two or more teams, at the end of preliminary play, the winner(s) will be determined in the order as follows, by continuing down the list, in its entirety, for all teams involved:
The winner in head-to-head competition (where applicable)
Goal Differential – Highest goal difference (goals for minus goals against) with a maximum of four (4) goals difference per game counted both for and against. Ex: score 8-3, the calculation would be +4 goals for the winning team, -4 goals for the losing team. If score was 6-4, the calculation would be +2 goals for the winning team and -2 goals for the losing team
Fewest goals against
Most total wins
Most shut-outs
FIFA kicks from the penalty mark will be taken. (If three teams remain tied, a coin toss will take place between the three teams, the two tying teams in coin toss will do PK’s and the winner of those two will do PK’s against the third team)
Home Team
The home team will be the team listed first on the game schedule. The home team will be responsible for providing 3 game balls. The home team will be required to switch to alternate jerseys to accommodate the color conflict as declared by the referees. All teams must have alternate jerseys. The home team will have a selection of the side of the field for its team and spectators.
Forfeits and Byes
A team that fails to report ready to play within 5 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time will forfeit the game; they will also forfeit their remaining games. The game will be scored, 0-1, the other team will be awarded 3 points.
Drop Outs
Registrations processing fees will not be refunded for any drop out after Schedules are released.
Drop out before registration closes – Refund of team registration fee minus $50 administrative fee
Drop out before bracketing – Refund 50% team registration fee
Drop out after bracketing – No refund
Protests and Disputes
No protests will be allowed or considered. The Head Referee of the match will resolve any player age disputes if brought to his/her attention prior to or during the match. Any further disputes, whether of a game, player, coach or schedule, shall be settled by the Tournament Director. That decision shall be final.
Game Times and Other Information
U9 – U10 – Pool play 20 minute halves. Size 4 Ball. Final game 25 minute halves. 10 minutes of overtime for ties, then PK’s.
U11 – U12 – Pool play 25 minute halves. Size 4 Ball. Final game 30 minute halves. 10 minutes of overtime for ties, then PK’s.
U13-U16 – Pool play 30 minute halves. Size 5 Ball. Final game 35 minute halves. 10 minutes of overtime for ties, then PK’s.
U17 – U19 – Pool play 35 minute halves. Size 5 Ball.
Final game 40 minute halves. 10 minutes of overtime for ties, then PK’s.
No over time periods will be played in preliminary rounds. Half time for all games will be 5 minutes.
Field Check-In
The Referee will check in each team up to 30 minutes, but no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the game. Failure of a team to report within 5 minutes of a scheduled game will be considered a forfeit by that team. *The tournament may adopt a policy in which teams are checked in simultaneously with Referee asking coaches if their players are properly equipped and if coach has any disputes in regards to opposing teams players age. (This procedure is to help expedite before game check in and to resolve any conflicts). Teams may have up to 6 guest players. Double rostering is NOT allowed.
Players Equipment
It will be up to the referee’s discretion to allow a player wearing an orthopedic cast or hard brace to take the field. Shin guards are mandatory for all players.
Team & Fan Seating
Teams and fans of same team will sit on one side of the field opposite each other. Players on right side of touch line and their respective fans on left side of touch line and same side of their team.
Suspended Games
The referee can suspend or terminate a game for misconduct or safety concerns regarding weather conditions. Games may be cancelled, by request from facility/city/school, due to weather. There will be NO REFUNDS.
All coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their player, substitutes, friends and spectators at all times. Coaching form the sidelines is permitted provided:
No mechanical devises are used
The tone of voice is instructive and not derogatory
No coach, player or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner disruptive or abusive behavior
Cautions and Ejections
ZERO TOLERANCE is enforced. A player who has been ejected shall not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game. Any player or coach who assaults a referee, Field Marshall or tournament official will be expelled from the tournament, and the proper legal authorities may be contacted. The Tournament Director/committee will eject players, coaches or spectators from the tournament for any behavior they deem inappropriate. Cards can be issued to coaches for unruly spectators and coaches can be ejected from the game. Unruly spectators will be asked to leave the premises. Failure to comply may cause a team to forfeit the games.
Dangerous Weather/Field Conditions
In case of extreme weather games may:
Be shortened
Penalty Kicks
Be canceled
Any conditions resulting in delays of the game may cause shortening of the game in order to maintain the tournament schedule.
Red Cards
It is every coach’s responsibility to retrieve his/her player’s card which had been pulled due to a red card given. The player cards may be retrieved from the Tournament Director before the end of the last game played of the Tournament. All left over player cards will be sent to the UYSA office, coach must retrieve the card from there.
Double rostering is NOT allowed.